Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I love getting great service. Who doesn't? I also love shopping on-line which is why Etsy is so great! I usually try to shop from local people and then arrange for a "pick up". This allows me relative instant gratification and saves on shipping. My sister Angie is getting married soon and I wanted the girls to have a little cuteness for their hair. I looked around on Etsy and found these cute hair bands with attached flowers. The flowers are on clips so you can wear the flowers without the band. yay I found them yesterday and met Mia today, hence the instant gratification. You should check out what she has to offer. She has some CUTE stuff. Look at: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7112428 or go into etsy.com and look up Dolce Vita Mia.
My stuff arrived in a cute bag too.

I will post pics of the girls after the wedding to show you how they look.

1 comment:

Ms. Angie said...

Oh, I LOVE etsy!

Cute, cute! I can't wait to see them!